Nicholas Polo’s
10 Day Fat Loss Program
Hampstead based celebrity Personal Trainer and Women’s Combat Krav Maga Self Defence Coach Nicholas Polo has clients around the world. The 10 day fat loss transformation program is the at-home translation of Nicholas Polo’s Method. It is the ideal way to give your body a kick start to fat loss and it’s the perfect solution for devotees who do not live near and are willing to train remotely. The program provides a 10 day holistic approach to fat loss through an efficient and effective combination of a plan that combines all in one: nutrition, workout plan, supplements and consultation.
Nicholas Polo is a personal trainer offering 1:1 sessions to clients in Hampstead and central London areas as well as online zoom sessions for clients who live abroad, have multiple residencies or travel. Coaching services also includes remote personal training monthly workout programs.
As featured on MailOnline, Men’s Health and Women’s Health Nicholas Polo’s body transformation offers his clients an average of 2” waistline reduction in just 10 days!
For 1:1 Women’s Combat Self Defence and Boxing sessions in Hampstead, the London Royal Parks or home visits in central London please DM via IG at nicholas.polo or email train@nicholaspolo.com
Ali’s 10 Day Fat Loss Transformation - 3” waist size drop!
The program which can now be followed remotely at your local gym combines the following:
low GL nutrition
10mins workouts

Step 1
The nutrition
For years the world has been told to eat low fat food and people were led to believe that fat made us fat, contributed to heart disease, led to diabetes and the list goes on. However as the world became more obese it became obvious that the rhetoric didn’t work because low fat meant more snacking on carbs and sugars which caused insulin levels to rise, hunger spikes and fat gain around the infamous middle section. On the other hand a diet high on healthy fat and no sugar means more stable blood sugar and less fat gain.
The body uses the sugar from carbs as first source of energy. Once cutting the sugar intake from the diet the body starts burning the stored fat.
The diet plan provided here is based on high protein and high fat while you give up carbs, alcohol, fruit and most vegetables, as they all contain sugar for just 10 days! In short:
The plan includes
10-day low-carbs, low sugar plan to kick start the stored fat burn
10-day high protein plan to boost strength and allow muscle definition
10-day high-fat plan to stabilize blood sugar levels

Step 2
The workout
Any diet plan works better when it’s coupled with exercise. While prolonged cardio has proven to burn not only fat but also muscle making people look aged and tired, short high-resistance training gives the “fit” and “cut” look in a fraction of the time.
The exercise plan included in the 10-day program is based on daily 10-15 min intense resistance training workouts that aim to boost metabolism, increase strength and muscle definition and can be followed at your local gym or home if you have some weights for just a few minutes a day.
The plan includes
High intensity workouts best for fat loss
Resistance training that builds muscle definition
“Drop sets” routines for keeping workouts short and efficient

Step 3
The supplements
Sure enough nutrients are best when they come from food. However, it is very difficult to get the dosage you need from food alone. A good supplement can only help you get there faster!
As the diet takes out certain food categories like fruits and some vegetables for 10 days it is recommended that those who follow the diet plan take some basic supplements to improve the outcome.
Nicholas’ recommended protein powder for the 10 day program as well as for everyday use is Form Nutrition formnutrition.com
Nicholas Polo’s favourite protein powder is Chocolate Peanut from FormNutrition.com -
The plan includes
Amino acid complex advice to boost metabolism
Antioxidant complex advice for higher energy levels
Performance complex advice for high-intensity training
Digestive enzyme complex advice to fight bloating

Step 4
The consultation
To help ensure you understand the program, you follow it through as intended and get the results you are after, Nicholas Polo will walk you through the plan before the beginning of the 10-day period so that you are clear on what you have to do.
Success is the residue of good planning and a good plan needs proper execution!
The plan includes
Zoom consultation before start
Before and after photos assistance to monitor progress
Before and after measurements assistance to monitor progress

Step 5
The results
Fat loss and weight loss are not the same thing. There could be two people of the same weight and height but one of the two could have a much higher body fat percentage while the other person could be more “defined” and “cut”.
So forget the number on the scale and start looking in the mirror instead! The idea here is to get you stronger, healthier and fit!
Impressive results even for the fit!

Step 6
The solution
Once you have completed the 10-day fat loss program you can enrol in the remote training plan to ensure progress continues.